Mrs. Ahlers' 5th graders

Mrs. Ahlers' 5th graders
We like to be a little silly here in room 12!

Friday, January 25, 2013


As we listened to the City High students drum and play their hearts out to the tune of "The Sturdy Little Hawk" at our afternoon assembly, we were reminded of all of the ways that our choices connect us to so many other people beyond our classrooms.  We were celebrating the donated food to the Crisis Center, while a selected group of City High students shared with us some of their own contributions to the community. Among these stories were donations of time and energy to organizations around the city, in the county and even on a trip to Peru.   Mr. Bacon, Mr. Negus, a staff member from the Crisis Center AND Louie the Little Hawk, accompanied the students in our gymnasium.

I have certainly seen the contributions of our own fifth graders extend beyond our classroom.   One student recently created a welcome card and message for a new student to Hoover in another class. Another group of students planned a drive to donate used stuffed animals and books to the UI Children's Hospital. Each student in our class has also been a great big buddy to their 2nd grade reading buddies in Mrs. Wegman's class.  Others bring their experiences from their families and friends outside of school to their learning and share their perspective with others. I have seen such incredible acts of courage and compassion this past month. I am proud of them and know that their impacts have such positive lasting effects on others.

We are fortunate to have several volunteers in our room, helping to provide students with the attention and encouragement they deserve.  These volunteers come regularly to our classroom to donate their time and expertise to our students.

Zulma Oyarzun and Elizabeth Oyarzun will be coming each Friday to help teach Spanish lessons.

Emma Gier, a City High student, spends her open hours volunteering 4 out of the 5 school days, with LA independent time and math.

Evan Risk, a Kirkwood College student and former City High student is volunteering Fridays in science.

Thank you to all of our volunteers!

If you walk into our classroom, you will notice large 3D snowflakes hanging from the cieling. Besides the desire to liven up our room to escape from the doldrums of winter, they are a reminder of teamwork in our class.  Each of the students created a portion of the snowflakes and decorated them with the ways to work together. Then, they combined each part to create the entire snowflake.  May their wishes and expectations be a great reminder this winter, as we continue to learn together.

Here is a photo of our photos from today's Spanish activity.  The students shared special drawings and photos of family members, and connected these images to our Spanish lesson. Thanks to Zulma and Elizabeth for their teaching creativity! Teaching phrases in a context of real life connections certainly amps up the learning experience.

My last announcement is to introduce the start of our math enrichment groups. Mrs. Jacobson, our Instructional Coach, will be taking a group and I will be meeting with 2 groups. These groups will meet twice a week to give mathematical challenges to students that desire and benefit from the extensions. These will be opportunities to strategize with other students and solve interesting, sometimes quirky, hopefully enjoyable logic puzzles and more. Here is our math corner with extensions, packets and the student folders for their groups. You can soon ask your student how groups are going, for them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Greetings Families!

Here are a few updates and invitations for our 5th grade familes:

1.  A group of Girl Scouts that are in our class have put together a fundraiser to benefit the patients at the UI Children's Hospital. They are asking Hoover families to donate gently used stuffed animals and books to the bin they decorated outside Room 12. 

2.  Canned food donations may also be donated in boxes outside each classroom at Hoover.

3.  Parent-Teacher conference sign up sheets are in the hallway to the east of the office.  I received a lot of positive feedback about the online sign up through, so I am offering that to you as a way to sign up.  I will update your slot to the sheet in the hallway. If you would prefer to sign up in person, I will make sure that your slot is filled online for the same date/time, as soon as possible.   I'm looking forward to sharing the great ways your students have been learning.

If you did not receive an invitation by email to sign up for a conference time, please let me know and I'll send one your way or sign you up, personally.

4.  If you have questions about the homework for each day, please click the link on the homepage entitled, "Planner."  This link is located on the upper left corner and I will do my best to update it daily. 

5.  This upcoming Friday, I will have some special guests coming in to help teach a Spanish lesson.  Javier's mother, Zulma and his sister, Elizabeth will be with us to learn vocabulary around the theme of family. To help with this lesson, students will get the assignment this Wednesday (Jan. 23) to dress as the family member of their choice. This might include choosing props such as glasses, a tie, hair in a certain style, briefcase, goggles, a special book or bag. They will use these props to describe their family members and introduce each other, in Spanish.  They will also create a family tree and I am asking them to bring in photos or drawings of family members they feel comfortable sharing with the class, to supplement the lesson.

Have a wonderful week!  Go Hoover Hawks.

~Mrs. Ahlers

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

 Hey 5th and 6th Grade Scientists!

As we begin our research on elements the next few weeks, we will be visitng the computer lab to research the element of your choice.

CLICK on the following LINKS to get more information. Take NOTES in your packet. You may visit these sites at home, if you like.

Chemistry for Kids - Periodic Table - Information on Elements

Videos of Periodic Table elements - just like the ones we've watched in class!

List of elements

Detailed images of the elements!

COST of elements and MORE!

Interactive Periodic Table

More info...

Chemistry - KidZone Science Spot - When you have finished and you want extra activities and knowledge!