Mrs. Ahlers' 5th graders

Mrs. Ahlers' 5th graders
We like to be a little silly here in room 12!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Cool Chronicles by Javier and Hailey

Hello this is Hailey here and all I can say is I’m back! So we just got back from Thanksgiving break this week. In Social Studies we just did our quiz about like Ethan said last week and it was on people who sailed to North America. This Friday we have earned a class celebration towards our 100 tallies! Our class voted on a movie and popcorn and other comfy items for a movie.  In math we took a test a while ago and now we had to take it home to get a PS on it. But anyways I have short quiz for you and DON’T EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER think of looking until you are done Anyways here it is:

1.   Was Demeter the Greek goddess of the home, the moon or the agriculture?
2.   Put in choronological order: French Reveloution, Louis the XIV, Napolean
3.   Who was the minister during world war II?
4.   Who was the greek god of music: Apollo,Ares, or hermes?
5.   Who said all roads lead to Rome? Julius Caeser Hannibal, or Octavian
6.   Who defeated the Spanish armada? Francis Drake, James Cook?
7.   Which language is spoken of people of Norway?
8.   Find the error(s)  photosynsis
9.   Name a Eurpean country located on the Iberian peninsula
10.                What Portuguese sailor rounded the sothern tip of Africa in 1488?
1.   Agriculture
2.    French Reveloution, Louis the XIV
3.   Winston Churchill
4.   Apollo
5.   Octavisn
6.   Francis Drake
7.   Noreweigan
8.   Photosynthasis
9.   Spain, Portugal
10.                Barthaolume Dias
It’s Javier I’m back THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS FEED THE FISH OK maybe not the not the most important thing but still do it. So this week in science we have been doing a mysterious powder and POP QUIZ                               
1.   WHAT AFRCAN  COUNTRY HAS ONE OF THE WORLDS BIGGEST GOLD MINE?                             THE AWNSER IS ………………......                                                                                                                                                     SOUTH AFRICA P.S GET THE NOVELS FINSHED !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Hailey here again and yesterday (Wednesday) We had art. A project or piece we have been working on is day of the dead. I am going to give a Spanish pop quiz of five phrases or frases in a second. In social studies on Wednesday we watched a video in class. Well about it OH I need to give you the pop quiz and guess or answer what the phrase is….

1.   Presteme la tencion por favor
2.   ( Name all colors in spanish)
3.   Me Gustan las cerezas
4.   Oy es lunes
5.   Token el cabeza

1.   Pay attention please
2.   Red, Blue , Green , Black, Orange, Yellow, Pink, White
3.   I Like cherries
4.   Today is Monday
5.   Touch you head                ( WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON !!)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Chronicles by Ethan and Laken

        I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! 'Ello everyone, its Ethan and today I’ll be talkin’ in this accent if yall’ don’t mind. Now lets get to the good stuff, shall we? This week in science we are investigating a mysterious powder that was placed all over Dexter School playground… So first we decided to look at different powders to see what they look, smell and feel like! When we were finally allowed to look at the mysterious powder it almost looked like a mixture of a bunch of powders O_O This powder is getting on my nerves now…
          Anyway, in Social Studies we are studying different explorers who made a big difference in U.S. history such as C.C. (Christopher Columbus), John Cabot, Henry Hudson, and Mr. Ponce De Leon. In NaNoWriMo most of us are makin’ much progress. But if your child hasn’t started yet I would encourage them to do so… 
           Anyway I gotta go so I’m passing it on to Laken… Bye bye! (for now)

         Hola chicas and chicos! It’s Laken here! I have a POP QUIZ for you. (IF YOU DON’T MIND. O.K?)  

1. What two continents occupy the same land mass?

2. Who wrote David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities?

3. What sea is enclosed by the islands of the West Indies?

4.What do you call the electricity that clings to clothing? (Hint: Mrs. Ahlers was this for Halloween)

ANSWERS (Don't peek until you figure them out):

1.  Europe and Asia
2. Charles Dickens
3. The Caribbean Sea
4.Static Electricity!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cool Chronicles by Avery and Logan

Hey! Its Avery,
This week we have early release on Thursday due to teacher-parent conferences. We also took a field trip to west high to see a play called “The Man Who Planted Trees”. Also, we watched a video on voting and how we can go vote!!!
HEY! Its Logan here,
Today we learned about how Hurricane Sandy effected the voting poles and now a lot of people missed out on voting. There was a shortage of staff at the poles in Miami, and now lots of people aren’t allowed to vote anywhere near they’re house.
Quick Questions, and don’t cheat!
Is a flat land area close to sea level called a plain or a plateau?
A plain

 Why are camels able to survive in desert?

Because they can convert the fat stored in their hump into food and water

We also started a new program TTL, which stands for Type To Learn! So  far we have done it three times. TTL is a program that provides us with learning how to type easier and helping us for the future!

Hi Logan again!
Today we learned Barack Obama won the election!
TTL is going well like Avery said and I have a question!
What has 8 letters but contains only one letter?

An envelope!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


***FIELD TRIP MONDAY MORNING!****  Students will leave with other 5/6 graders to West High on a field trip to see the performance, "The Man Who Planted Trees."  We will be leaving soon after students arrive to school (8:30) and will be returning before lunch.

MONTH OF NOVEMBER - Change in the Schedule:

For the month of November, Mrs. Brownlee's 5th graders and our class will be taking 20 minutes after lunch each day to practice typing. "Type to Learn" or "TTL" will be used, in the media center, under the guidance of Ms. Madden. I look forward to the students getting the opportunity to practice their typing and feel confident with word processing skills as well.

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY for students.  This Thursday afternoon and Friday, Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled with Hoover teachers. I look forward to sharing updates and learning celebrations with you all.

No school November 21, 22, and 23 for holidays.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cool Chronicles by justine R-K and Madison

NOTE: Click on the link at the left to visit our Cow University! (Mary, Isabelle, Alexis)
 Cool chronicles
Hi this is Madison. this week we have learned how to say the pledge of allegiance in Spanish, and we are working in our nanowrimo binders. on thursday we started OUR NOVELS .
Wednesday we are having a math test. we are also having our Halloween parade at 2:00-2:15.(parents may come to the parade) WE ARE READING A NEW TIME FOR KIDS ABOUT…POLAR BEARS IN PERIL (or danger)
Good bye

OK Justine here. In the Time For Kids Magazine we learned that bugs may be the food of the future.(eeeewwww)
In social studies we are diving for artifacts and on Friday we will start our new science unit on mysterious powders. We are enforcing the library rule if you have an overdue book or books, you cannot check out any other books. Also, we are learning about communication skills in our unit of life skills. Well, that’s it. Adios.

Pop quiz!!!!!!
Please don’t cheat!!!!!!!!!!1!!
1 Which is a spinning neutron star- a pulsar, a nova, or a quasar?
2 Name 4 american states that border the gulf of Mexico.
Flies always buzz in the key of: D, C, F, or G
Don’t cheat.


1.      The answer is a pulsar
2.  The states are Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida.
3.  Flies always buzz in the key of F.
   Word search!!!!    Word bank
Life skills (might not have a space)